Playing against the AI - Stand Alone

With ChessUp you can play against the built-in AI without even connecting the phone. The built-in AI is meant for players who are beginners to intermediate level. To play a stronger AI you will want to play the AI on the phone. The phone AI uses Stockfish and can play at an ELO level of 3000.

How to Setup a Game Against the Built-in AI

  1. First, setup you pieces as explained in this article: Setting Up Pieces on ChessUp
  2. Decide which side you would like the play and which side you want the AI to play.
  3. Set your level of assistance by pressing the gear icon for your color. The built-in assistance has 3 levels of assistance. AI Assistance - Colors, Why is there a Green Pawn Icon on the Board
  4. Change the mode for the other side using the gear icon until the player icon switches to the AI icon. Adjusting Game Modes
  5. If you are playing as white you will make the first move. If the AI is playing as white it will make the first move. When it's the AI's turn the winged knight will pulse blue to indicate the AI is thinking.
  6. When the AI makes a move it will light up the move on the board. The purple light indicates the piece to move and the last blue light in the line (which also blinks) shows where to move the AI's piece.

Either side can be set to play as AI. It is even possible to have the AI play against itself when using the board in stand alone mode. All you have to do it change the game mode for both sides to AI. It's best to set blacks side first and then whites. They can play at different levels as well. This is fun to see how the AI thinks in different situations.

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