Is internet Connection Require for ChessUp

ChessUp has three modes of play: Stand alone, AI/OTB (Over the board) play on the App, and remote play. 

In stand alone mode the app is not required. You can play over the board (OTB) or against the built-in AI. This AI isn't as strong as the version we use when connected to the phone but it can be sufficient for beginners and intermediate players. None of this requires the internet. One caveat is that to update the firmware in the board internet connection with the app is required as the new firmware is downloaded from the cloud. 

To use the app to play the app AI or OTB the internet is not required. The AI using the app is stronger and capable of 3000+ ELO difficulty. Although to sign into the app the first time the internet is required to create a profile/account. Once you have completed that every other time you launch the app the internet is not required. Make sure to not log out of the app otherwise internet connection will be required to log back in.

To play a remote game either within the ChessUp community or Lichess an internet connection is required.

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